How to Start Investing

12/01/2023 - 2 min of reading

How many people do you know who have not yet entered the universe of investments because they think this activity is only for those who have a lot of money?

Each day that passes, investment options and different ways of investing are being created. Nowadays you can do everything by cell phone, for example.

Ah, and there is something for every kind of pocket as well, with a very low initial investment and without many risks.

Understand the types of investment

Fixed Income

In a nutshell, fixed income is a type of investment where the investor knows how the yield will work before making the investment.

For example, how the term, the rate of return, and the index that will be used to value the money invested will work.

In practice, you will lend money to the government or a bank, for example, to receive it back in the future with interest applied.

Since all the conditions are agreed upon before the investment takes place, Fixed Income is best suited for beginners, although it is used by virtually all investors.

Variable Income

Variable Income is unpredictable. The monetary return will depend on the financial market and is completely imponderable and unexpected.

Stock market shares, to name one of the variable income investments, can rise or fall in value daily, and there are many factors that go into this equation.

It is not possible to say with certainty what will happen in the coming hours, days, and weeks.

Know your financial capacity

When it comes to taking out a loan, refinancing a debt, or buying a new car, it is very important to know and organize your finances.

To enter the world of investments it is not much different. In fact, this is the first step you must take.

Have a personal cash flow, know how much comes into your account every month, with all your income, and how much goes out with fixed and foreseen expenses.

With this control updated regularly, it will be more difficult to create debts. Thus, you will understand how much you have left at the end of the month and, consequently, how much you have available to invest.

Have goals

Since we are talking about financial achievements, it is good to set goals for the future. And we are talking here about three types of goals: short, medium and long term.

To accomplish each objective, set a target value to be reached and a deadline.

Then set an amount to be invested every month. Remember your financial reality, because this amount needs to be within your means to keep your pocket clean.

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