How to Start Investing in 4 Steps

12/01/2023 - 3 min of reading

Even with little money, it is possible to start investing and have good returns. Just choose the right asset and know that saving is definitely not an option. With the Selic rate at 5% a year, you are losing money if you invest in savings.

Step 1: Set goals

Before getting down to business, it is necessary to stop and think. What are your goals? For what reasons do you want to make your money grow? It can be buying a car, starting a business, achieving financial independence. It is fundamental here to have in mind how much you want to have in the future and for what reason you will save and invest your money. The tip here is to separate by time frame, from the shortest to the longest. After estimating the deadlines, it is necessary to raise the amount you want for each goal.

Step 2: Know your investor profile

To invest in a way that best suits your goals, you need to know what your investor profile is. Also known as Suitability, it is a simple and practical test to point out your risk tolerance.

Basically, there are three investor profiles: conservative, moderate, and aggressive. To find out what your profile is, look for a specialized investment advisor to help you.

Step 3: Know the types of investments

There are basically two types of investments: fixed income and variable income. There are options for each of the profiles mentioned above.

Fixed Income
In the case of fixed income, these are public or private securities. They are basically loans to institutions in both sectors.  In exchange, you receive a yield that can be pre or post-fixed and is defined at the time of purchase. In the case of fixed-rate bonds, you know exactly how much you will receive at maturity. In post-fixed bonds, the rate is linked to an indexer of the economy. In these cases, the yields may vary.

Variable income
In this case we are talking about investments negotiated on the stock exchange. In variable income, there is no fixed income forecast. Therefore, past return is no guarantee of future income. The companies' shares and the stock market itself vary according to several factors. Political news, company results, and the external scenario can influence them. Therefore, to make money with stocks it is necessary to have knowledge and invest in good choices.

Step 4: Open an account in an investment platform

This last step is also very important for those entering the world of investments. After all, when you choose a brokerage company with good fees and product diversity, your income will be positively affected.

But why a brokerage house and not a bank? It is simple.

In banks, you will only find the bank's own investments. At brokerage houses, on the other hand, the available investments are from several different institutions. Because it is a simple, independent intermediary between the investor and the financial market, a broker is the best alternative.

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