Learn to Control your Financial Life

12/01/2023 - 2 min of reading

One of the main obstacles in the assimilation of any kind of knowledge, nowadays, is the immense amount of existing information.

When trying to learn more about a subject, we often get lost in the sheer volume of material we find. When it comes to Financial Education, this is no different.

If you are a beginner in Personal Finance, my suggestion is: save this post in your Favorites, go absorbing the content of each step little by little.

I believe it will be a good start. For those who already have high financial knowledge, indicate it to those who need help.

Personal convincing

For the study of personal finance to have a really positive effect on your life, it is first necessary to convince yourself that it is MUST and POSSIBLE to change the way you handle your money.

This is because financial education is based on a lot of discipline, reflection and self-knowledge.

Financial knowledge

After convincing yourself about the importance of financial education in your life, it is now time to improve your technical knowledge, understanding basic topics related to the financial world.

Having some ability with numbers and concepts is essential for money management, because it helps in the short, medium, and long term planning, and improves the decision making about income and expenses.

Goal setting

A financial planning will hardly be successful if the person doesn't have clear goals. Saving money, without a really worthwhile reason, is giving up something today without a better counterpart in the future.

Financial education (and setting goals is part of the game) enables dreams to come true. However, these dreams must be well defined in order not to lose focus in the middle of the road.

Changing habits

After the convincing about the importance of dealing well with your money, the understanding of basic concepts about finances, and the definition of goals, it is time to get down to business.

Making your daily attitudes coherent with your financial planning is not easy at all. Avoiding exacerbated consumerism in favor of higher goals is one of the greatest difficulties in achieving financial success.

Discipline, for example, is something that must be incorporated into the daily life of all those who seek the realization of big dreams.


To reach this stage, it is necessary to go through a long process. Only after "getting your house in order", should readings about where and how to invest be part of your reading list.

Read articles related to investments, ranging from the most general to the most specific.

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